Dr. Arvind Krishnamurthy
Secretary - Indian Society of Oncology
Surgical Oncology (All) – Chennai
Mobile: +91 9840448174
Email: drarvindkrishnamurthy@yahoo.co.in
Email: honsecretaryiso@gmail.com
Dear Members and Colleagues,
I welcome you all to yet another exciting new phase of the Indian Society of Oncology. (ISO) The ISO has come a long way since its formation in 1983. The ISO is in fact credited to being the first, largest and a hugely vibrant multi-disciplinary oncology society in India. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the Past Presidents, the member of the Executive committees and other members to the continuing growth of our Society.
After a successful 3rd Mid-Term conference of ISO 2022 at Lucknow, we are now looking forward to ISMPO ISOCON 2022, the joint meeting of the Indian Society of Oncology (ISO) and the Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology (ISMPO) in Chennai from the October 28th to 30th 2022.
The entire Oncology Community of the nation has been patiently waiting for the 3rd Indian Cancer Congress, which has now been rescheduled (in view of the COVID -19 pandemic) to November 2023 at Mumbai.
With the assistance and support of the new Executive Committee and all its members, I have no doubt that the ISO will continue to grow from strength to strength towards achieving its larger vision and mission.
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