On behalf of the organizing committee of the "ISMPO ISOCON 2022 Conference", we are privileged to invite you to participate in the Biennial Joint conference of ISMPO (Indian Society of Medical & Pediatric Oncology) and ISO (Indian Society of Oncology) being organized under the aegis of "Freedom from Cancer Relief and research Foundation" from 28th - 30th October at Hotel Hilton, Chennai.
ISMPO ISOCON 2022 Conference will have many firsts for the faculty and delegates.
Abstracts selected for presentation will be published in the Indian Journal of Medical and Pediatric Oncology (IJMPO), which is an indexed journal.
Scientific program will have interactive teaching workshops which will provide real edge to the practicing oncologists in daily clinical practice. Program will have didactic lectures, interactive panel discussions and debates on the latest developments in the management of top cancers in Indian.
The faculty from the leading academic institutes and cancer centers will be presenting the latest data and will be available for one-to-one interaction. This will be a big opportunity for students and upcoming oncologists in the post covid period.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at Chennai for a great academic feast and our signature hospitality.
Thanks & regards